April 26, 2024

Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne in INSTANT FAMILY. Courtesy of Paramount Pictures.

Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne in INSTANT FAMILY. Courtesy of Paramount Pictures.

Courtney Howard // Film Critic

Being a parent is filled with highs and lows, but being a foster parent can have exceptional triumphs and tribulations. Just look at the family at the heart of director Sean Anders’ INSTANT FAMILY. Based on his and his wife Beth’s own experiences as foster parents, this family-friendly comedy exposes audiences to some heartwarming, heartening hilarity.

Watch what happens when this couple, played by Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne (two finely skilled comedic actors), open up their brand new home to three kids of various ages stuck in the foster system.

Funny, right?

Your next challenge is to watch featurette in which The Anders’ discuss what made them want to start a family and why they chose to be foster parents. Confession: I. BAWLED. See if you make it through without getting verklempt.

INSTANT FAMILY opens on November 16.

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